FLiteTraX 9
FLiteTraX 9
CellTraX (from 60g): Solar and primary battery powered GPS Collar with 2G, 3G and 4G cellphone connection. Includes fully intergated and speately powered VHF tracking beacon, UHF Long range download.
GPS location, precise activity reports, raw acceleration data recorded in bursts and temperature. Data are collected into GPS-SMS and GPS-GPRS/UHF separate memory banks, which are individually programmable and use different data transmission.
- Diameter: from 50mm
- Weight: from 60g +20g for drop off.
- Mounting method: collar
- Solar charger: Yes
- Antenna: internal
- Designed for: mammals
- Examples of use on: antlopes, wolfs, lynx
- UHF transmission included in all GPS-GSM trackers;
- Almost unlimited & low cost data transfer via GPRS/3G;
- Over-the-air (OTA) automatic firmware upgrade via 3G link;
- Detailed daily activity reports based on acceleration sensor. ASK for details.
Key features:
- Independently programmable GPS-SMS and GPS-GPRS/UHF data collection;
- Worldwide & USA 2G/3G/4G quad band HSPA/GSM communication range;
- Data access & programming: from web profile or via long range (LR) UHF link;
- OTA - automatic firmware upgrading via GPRS/3G/4G network;
- GPS intervals: from 1 minute to 24 hours or 1s to 30s in bursts;
- GPS controlled by: duty-hours schedule, light sensor (day/night), immersion or motion sensor;
- Data export to MOVEBANK;
- Long-life rechargeable battery;
- Highly efficient solar charger, works as well in a low light conditions;
- 2 GB memory capacity allows to save totally >10 million data records.
- “No GPS signal"- detects weak GPS signal and switches off logger in a burrow etc.;
- “Stops in the base range" - UHF base station signal can terminate the GPS data collection to protect battery in a burrow, den or when animal is in the nest;
- UHF digital telemetry. It has ~50% bigger range than UHF communication link. Enables easier animal locating and getting close enough to download the data. It is not for tracking like with the VHF;
- GPS can be controlled by the acceleration sensor - logger records positions only when animal is moving. This feature allows to track movements with better resolution and save energy when object does not move;
- all loggers are equipped with acceleration sensor and can collect raw acceleration data recorded in programmable (1-30 Hz ) bursts as well record precise daily activity reports;
- the “activity report 480" for the GPS-UHF-GPRS download will not increase significantly the power consumption nor data transmission. Records are collected every 3 minutes and consist of an amount of recorded movements, sampled every 4 seconds and summarised separately for the X, Y, Z axis (3x480 records daily).
- Barometric pressure & temperature sensor;
VHF beacon with an automatic mode enabling mortality detection.; - Customized attaching points for harness, gluing or taping to the feathers etc.
Availability: Now.
Delivery: 6-8 weeks.
Payment: On order.
Payment: By wire or bank transfer.
Currency: Norwegian Kroner, US Dollars or Euros.
Data & transmission methods:
• SMS: Mainly used to keep communication between user and tracker, for settings change & limited GPS data transfer even in places where very weak GSM 2G/3G/4G signal is present. Data collected for SMS transmission: GPS position, temperature, mortality/activity index, battery voltage, GSM signal strength, logger operating parameters & optionally activity report (called “report 48") send in one SMS daily. Due to a high energy use for transmission as well GSM charges, collection maximum of 4-8 GPS positions/day is recommended, however if necessary, 48 GPS positions daily are possible.
• GPRS/3G: Present in all trackers with GSM modem, except the lightest TRINGA model. Transmits all data collected by the logger. This transmission channel uses far less energy comparing to SMS and allows to collect and send almost unlimited data, including acceleration and TDR data. Data collected for GPRS/UHF transmission: GPS position, GPS programmable bursts from 1 s interval, speed, GPS altitude, GPS precision parameters (HDOP, VDOP, PDOP), GPS heading, barometric or hydrostatic pressure, temperature and immersion duration, acceleration 3-axis data recorded in a programmable bursts (1-30 Hz), detailed activity report (called “report 480") and logger operating parameters like voltage, internal temperature, light level etc.
• UHF: the UHF long range link (LRD) is available in all GPS-GSM models from 2020. It can be activated by admin without any additional charge. The same data collected for GPRS can be transmitted via UHF to the base station (hand operated, installed in the field or on drone). This transmission consumes little power, at the same time avoiding GSM charges for the data. Recommended for places where GPRS transmission is not possible. Transmission range in good conditions and in the line of sight: ground-to-ground ~800m, ground-to-air or air-to-ground >6km;
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