Globalstar Solar GPS Avian Tags
Globalstar Solar GPS Avian Tags
Globalstar Solar Avian GPS tags are based on a 56 channel GPS receiver within a nitrogen filed enclosure. Transmits the collected data in real time from the field t the internet using the Low-Earth Orbit Globalstar satelite system. Solar rechargeable Li-Polyment battery.
- No External Antenna.
- Solar Powered For Long Operational Life
- Internal 56-Channel GPS Engine; Uplink via Globalstar Satellite System — Heading, Altitude, and Speed Recorded With Each GPS Fix.
- Truly Real-Time Data From Field To Web
- Accelerometer Readings in 1, 5, or 10 Hz Bursts
- Field Downloadable & Reprogramable Without Recapture Via Bluetooth link
- Temperature and Accelerometer included.Geofences Available.
- GPS fixes per day: 1 to 48, based on solar charging conditions.
- Rechargeable Li-Polymer Battery
- Nitrogen Filled Enclosure
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